Birds, Bats & Blades
Wind Turbines & Wildlife

Steve Pelletier
Wildlife Ecologist, Stantec

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Curtis Memorial Library , Brunswick, Maine

Join Friends of Merrymeeting Bay (FOMB) on Tuesday, February 7, at 7pm in Brunswick’s Curtis Memorial Library for the 5th presentation of FOMB’s 15th annual Winter Speaker Series. This program, “Birds, Bats & Blades-Wind Turbines & Wildlife”, features wildlife ecologist Steve Pelletier, vice president of the environmental consulting firm of Stantec.

Maine is undergoing industrial development of wind power second only to California in scope. The effects on residents, wildlife habitat and wildlife can be detrimental and huge in scope. While this presentation will briefly look at effects on important avian species like birds, bats and insects on the mainland, its focus will be brand new research conducted on offshore populations of these species [bats in particular] by Pelletier and his colleagues at the local Stantec office. Because of increasing problems and variables associated with land-based wind projects, offshore wind development is now being promoted in part because of its more reliable winds but also in large part because for most people, it is “out of sight, out of mind.”

Steve Pelletier  is a certified wildlife biologist, professional wetland scientist, and certified and licensed professional forester with over 20 years of experience. As co-founder and vice president of Woodlot Alternatives [acquired by Stantec], he specializes in wildlife management planning, avian studies, wetland science, forest management, and permitting. He has worked on a variety of wildlife and habitat issues throughout the northeast, and offers particular expertise in evaluating wildlife impacts and developing avoidance and mitigation measures for projects ranging from wind power developments to commuter rail lines. Steve is responsible for designing field studies and coordinating data collection and report preparation, and has designed many compensatory mitigation projects. He is a long-time FOMB member. Stantec is conducting environmental studies for many of the wind projects in Maine.

The FOMB Winter Speaker Series takes place monthly from October-May on the second Tuesday or Wednesday. The series, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by Friends of Merrymeeting Bay with support and valuable door prizes from Patagonia Outlet in Freeport. The next FOMB presentation, on March 13th at Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick entitled “Steamboating on the Sasanoa-Bath to Boothbay” features Charlie Ipcar, musician and nautical historian.



Watercolors by
Sarah Stapler
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